It Is I, Be Not Afraid

“But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.” John 6:20

Suggested Scripture reading – John 6:15-21

Philadelphia SpectrumThe circus had been fun. The clowns, acrobats and elephants had entertained the entire family for several hours. The “entire family” included the extended family. All the cousins, uncles, aunts and Mom-mom had arrived in several cars to the arena in Philadelphia that evening. As the performance was ending several of the teenagers went in different directions with instructions to meet back at the parking garage by 10pm. The family drove back across the river into New Jersey and stopped for a late night snack at McDonalds. The entire family descended on that restaurant at 11pm for burgers and fries. That is, “almost” the entire family had burgers and fries. As they began to look around and account for everyone they discovered that three of the teenage girl cousins were missing. Each of the drivers looked at one another with the same thought. “They were with you, weren’t they?!” They made a mad dash back across the river into the city to find the girls. Fortunately, the girls were quickly found gathered on the front steps of the arena counting their change to see if they had enough money to take the train home. In that day before cell phones they had no way to call the drivers. They tried to call home but everyone was at McDonalds! They were frightened, alone and desperate for help. Imagine their relief when they saw Uncle Dave walking up the steps to them! Imagine how relieved he was to find them safe!
It must have been similar to the feelings the disciples had after they rowed all night through a storm and were about to drown in the in the sea. In John chapter 6 we read about how the Lord Jesus came to them, “walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship.” They were frightened, alone and desperate for help when those Jesus spoke words of comfort. “He saith unto them, ‘It is I; be not afraid.”’ Unlike Uncle Dave who did not know what was happening to the nieces, Jesus knew where the disciples were and what they needed. He could speak peace to them.
Child of God, even in the midst of the storms of our lives, Jesus knows where we are and knows what we need. “Then they willingly received him into the ship.” Jesus wants us to allow Him into our trials and then peace will come when He says to us,
It is I, be not afraid.”
“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” Jesus.
John 14:18

Author: David

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