Fear Not To Go

Fear Not To Go
Genesis 46:3

Japanese crowd, Crowds at Atsuta Shrine New Year s Day —Paul Davidson (Flickr.com)The airport was full of people speaking a strange language. They all had thick black hair and beautiful dark eyes. The airport was on the other side of the world. The young missionary and his family were on their way to where the Lord had called them. All the rest of the family, the in-laws, the grandparents, were 12,000 miles away. The loneliness came. As he tried to get his family a meal at the airport restaurant, the missionary realized that he did not even know what kind of money they used in that country. Yet, God had said “Go. Go to a people that do not know me.” So there he and his wife sat with two blond haired children in an airport full of oriental people. The people were very kind and fascinated with the light skin and hair but still he felt fear. “What have I gotten us into?” he thought.
In Genesis chapter 46 we find that the man Israel, also known as Jacob, was making a move as well. A journey that was just a frightening to the old man as the missionary’s move was to him. God’s promise to Jacob is found in Genesis 46:3-4 and had two parts. “And he said, I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation. I will go down with thee into Egypt” The first promise was that He would bless Jacob in this new land. The second promise was a special comfort. “I will go down with thee.” (Vs. 4) Jacob had the promise of God’s presence on the journey and in the new land.
God spoke peace to that missionary’s heart that day. The Father gave him the assurance that He would bless his faithful obedience and that would be with them at each step of the way. The family continued on that day and found that God was true to His promise. His presence sustained them in the new land and ministry. His blessing encouraged and strengthened them along the way. When God calls He accompanies and blesses obedience. It does not matter where God sends us. When God promises to go with us and bless our efforts we can go across the world or across town in confidence and peace.

When God sends . . . “Fear not to go”


Author: David

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